Category: Uncategorized

Visionary Imagineer - The Awareness Boosting Collection

Birth Story #6 Jahyalo Jasmine

Earlier in the pregnancy my precious man Samoko brought home a gift, a beautiful flute that he said he thought would, “help with the birth”  Well last Monday I entered the birthing portal…  Contractions had that familiar change from Braxton Hicks (which had been intensifying for weeks) to the lower down cervical opening sensations that…
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The Visionary Vortex #1

On the 20th September 2021 we witnessed a powerful gathering of wild, wise and worthy women. We said YES to ourselves and came together for healing, learning and harmonious growth.  First we arrived in presence, in gratitude, on Kabi Kabi country, upon the Earth, under the trees and sky.  We moved our bodies to music,…
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Birth The Book Volume II – Free Gifts!

Greetings beautiful beings, To celebrate the launch of a new book I have co-authored I am giving away some FREE printables from my lesson plan series to support parents and teachers engaging in conversations around feelings and emotions. The foundations of emotional intelligence begin in childhood. Remember, it all starts with awareness! If you enjoy…
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*The Awareness Boosting Collection – Value Pack*

‘The Awareness Boosting Collection’ has a new promotional pack including storybook, workbook and lesson plans/activities for families with children aged 3-13. They are on sale right now and here are three reasons why your children need them. Our thoughts influence every aspect of our lives, from how we feel to what we choose to do…
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Interview: Sunshine Coast Kids Today Magazine By Melissa Grant Mother of five and author Samantha Willcocks is passionate about encouraging children to connect with each other and the environment. The Sunshine Coast writer – better known as Samantha Starshine – has just published her first book in a series she hopes will help families create a better world for themselves.…
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Interview on Traveling with Kids – Nomad Mama Tribe

I loved spending time with Nomad Mama Annie and her beautiful family. After a challenging period of homelessness (which we turned into an extended holiday of festival hopping) we had just bought our first home and within a few weeks of moving in we got the opportunity to share the land with this amazing traveling…
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Why on Earth did a bunch of 3-year olds learn the word “synchronicity”?

I had the great pleasure of presenting some workshops on awareness-boosting activities and storytelling the Annie Ant’s Awareness book at Earth Frequency Festival this month. We experienced a wonderful time camping with my crew in a special ‘Family Camping’ section, which in my opinion is a brilliant idea for festivals! It meant that the late-night…
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The start of an art-icle…

Here are some parts of a thought piece I am working on. It’s still very much a work in progress so please forgive the reminders to myself and unfinished parts. One day I will expand this into a research project with actual participants but for now its just theory and my own personal experiences. I…
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Earth Frequency Festival

I am super excited to be presenting ‘Annie Ant’s Awareness‘ at EarthFreq Festival soon! They have this really cool space called The Family Realm. What a great idea! “The Family Realm is a large, shady area in the centre of the festival dedicated to providing a safe space for families to play, rest, create and learn together.  The…
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USC medallist shines light for kids’ future

USC graduate Sam Willcocks, aka Samantha Starshine, has a message to share in her first children’s book Annie Ant’s Awareness that she hopes will give children a brighter future and a better world.